1. Dmitriy Orlov - 2007-05-09 16:43:50
If you would like to post images please upload them using a free image hosting website like www.tinypic.com or www.imageshack.us and then copy the link that you get here to post the image. If you have problems posting images, you may email them to me at dmitriyo@gmail.com and I will put them up.
2. Dmitriy Orlov - 2007-05-10 15:53:14
To place and image. Upload the image using an image hosting website like the ones listed (www.tinypic.com or www.imageshack.com) and then paste the image link in your message like so between the IMG tags; [img]http image address [/img]
3. Dmitriy Orlov - 2007-05-11 15:11:02
Here are some photos that were sent to me by Martha Blake-Adams. These were taken where she and Frank exercized at the Center for Living.
4. Marc Reibold - 2007-05-11 22:17:32
Dear Dr. Borchardt,
We are all thinking about you. I just talked to Paul Slattery today and told him about this website -- so perhaps he’ll send you a note, also. Not sure if this is the place to send direct "emails" -- but it seems to be a good way to reach you.
Some updates about the Dept; Christophe is in Germany now and so is Gabi (ok, she’s in Austria; "details"). The four youngsters, Johanna, Linda, Molly and Caroline are heading to Essen soon. We had a nice party for Elise at Dr. Walther’s last week and all kinds of end of the year activities besides -- some of them quite ridiculous; I know you would approve. Meanwhile, I just bought a bunch of bushes to plant in my yard in order to avoid reading my pre-lim list. They are called hycinthias or something like this (no idea). I had never seen them before and they have beautiful big flowers.
I hope you are doing as well as you can do. And I love the exercise pics on the media page! Good stuff. Is there a way to write personal messages to you? Or is it fine to post them here? We have some party pics that are pretty hilarious. I would love to send them along. Perhaps that is a question for Dmitry (Thanks for making this opportunity available, Dmitry)
I’ll be in touch again soon.
Bis bald!
Dein Marc
5. Dmitriy Orlov - 2007-05-14 14:39:10
Paul Stapleton provided these photographs. They came from The 1955 Regian, the yearbook of Regis High School in New York City. Paul Stapleton’s father, John Stapleton, was a member of that
class, and Frank Borchardt was a junior that year. One photo is a group photo of Frank’s class. He is in the second row, fourth from the right. Another photo is of Frank playing the part of Macduff in Macbeth, with a notation to Paul’s father. A third photo is of Frank working with a group of other students, preparing material for the school newspaper, The Owl.
6. Baird Straughan - 2007-05-21 11:35:44
On Saturday the 19th, many of Frank’s friends gathered at the house of Ingeborg Walther, and offered a program of music and poetry that Frank loved. Here’s the agenda;
Welcome ,
Ingeborg Walther
Impromptu - Opus 90, No. 1 Franz Schubert
Dell Williams
Obituary and Prayer
Carol Cantrell
Allemande Georg Muffat
Ruth Phelps
St.-Peters-Friedhof Georg Trakl
Helga Bessent
Sonata - Opus 101 Ludwig van Beethoven
Alice Kuzniar
Venice Friedrich Nietzche
Yvonne Ivory
Remembrance of Friends
Leland Phelps
Ad Libitum
Bonkers Clara Yu
A Life Well Written, or Literary Grace Jennifer Pournelle
Impromptu, Opus 90 Nr. 4, by Franz Schubert
Ingeborg Walther